Friday, May 20, 2011

The Vagina Monologues - "UNTIL THE VIOLENCE STOPS"

What a lovely evening Thursday, the 19th of May was. When the very talented Kabomo Vilakazi announced on Twitter that he was to direct the 2011 Vagina Monologues, I knew right then that there was no way Iwas to miss this empowering production and boy, am I glad I did!!!!! What a powerful and awe-inspiring evening it turned out being. 

V-Day UJ 2011 presents Eve Ensler’s: The Vagina Monologues 

The extraordinary Mr Kabomo Vilakazi. 
BTW(by the way) his album ALL THINGS BROWN (songs sung) / ALL THINGS GREY (rap songs) drops on the 27th of July 2011

I gathered my gorgeous girlfriends and we head to the Con Cowen Theatre at the UJ Bunting Road Campus *side line memory to varsity days...huh, good times!!!*. Everything was run and organised by the University of Johannesburg students and send them a big high 5 and big up for running such a well run show. 

The show promptly started at 18:30 with an incredible performance by The Muffinz, an awesome "live indie fusion band". These guys are gifted!!!!! I'll admit when they came out I was skeptical but after the first 30 seconds I felt bless to be in the presence of such gems!!  

Brotherz ain't bad looking

Live in PTA 


The world better makes space for these guys....they gonna be making our skys alittle brighter as shining stars!!! 
Don't say I never warned y'all check links---->>      and!/themuffinzband

 The performances were riveting, moving, comical at times and they addressed issues on the agenda in way that enlightened and stirred everyone's inner core. I mean if you went in to see the performances and left without a thing to say, negative or positive, there must a short fuse in your brain circuit, come on! 

There's just no way I can even describe how amazing it was to see and hear the monologues. They were so damn good they actually made me wanna stand up and pay more attention to my vagina, especially the next time somebody tries to love it/shun it/probe it/look at it/get all up in it/violate it...or any other woman's or child.  In fact I'm gonna go home, grab my mirror and have a heart to heart with my vagina. What I loved the most is Kabomo's statement "The conversation about gender based violence must never end until gender based violence ends" 

And here's my 2 cents....

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN embrace all women, of all races, of all sexual orientations, from all nations, of all shapes and sizes. 

Women love yourselves, love your body and LOVE YOUR VAGINA!!!!! Teach your daughters and sisters from a young age to be in touch with ALL of being from a young age so we can break the taboo stigma about vaginas. If they are knowledgeable they'll less likely be vulnerable to abuse and being taken advantage of.  

Teach your mothers, grandmothers and older sisters that it'd never too late to break the stigma and silence around our feelings, our hearts and our vaginas.  

Teach our young boys the value of a women and how to respect every single part of a woman, vagina included so that they don't grow up looking at it as something that needs to be conquered. 

We need to talk and spread the word about these issues being ignorant never helped anyone grow!!!

"V-Day is a global activist movement to stop violence against women and girls. V-Day is a catalyst that promotes creative events to increase awareness, raise money and revitalize the spirit of existing anti-violence organizations. V-Day generates broader attention for the fight to stop violence against women and girls, including rape, battery, incest, female genital mutilation (FGM) and sex slavery. Visit  for more information on the global V-Day movement.

Proceeds will be donated to The Nisaa Institute for Women’s Development. in South Africa and 10% of the proceeds will be donated to V-Day for the Spotlight Campaign. Each year V-Day increases awareness by focusing on a specific group of women in the world who are resisting violence with courage and vision. In 2011, V-Day's Spotlight Campaign is on the Women and Girls of Haiti. The Spotlight will highlight the high levels of violence against women and girls in Haiti, and will focus on the increased rates of sexual violence since the devastating earthquake that took place in January 2010. All funds raised through the Spotlight Campaign will be used to support a revolutionary national campaign in Haiti lead by a coalition of women activists."

In other news, later in the night we saw an lady at the Mcdonalds in Auclandpark who had such a gorgeous hair do I just had to take a pic